Setting Up Firebase Emulators with Sameframe Firebase Starter
To integrate Firebase emulators into your Sameframe Firebase Starter project, follow these steps:
Install Firebase CLI: Open your terminal and run the following command to install the Firebase CLI globally:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Initialize Emulators: Navigate to your Sameframe Firebase Starter project directory and run the following command:
firebase init emulators
Choose the Firebase services you want to emulate, such as Firestore, Authentication, Functions, etc.
Configure Emulators: Follow the prompts to configure the emulators. You can either accept the default settings or customize them according to your preferences.
Start Emulators: To start the emulators, run the following command:
firebase emulators:start
Access Emulators Through UI: The emulators can be accessed through the Emulator Suite UI, available at http://localhost:4000 (opens in a new tab). Interact with the emulators using this web interface.
Additional Operations: Utilize the Firebase CLI to perform various operations on the emulators as needed.
For more detailed information on using Firebase emulators, refer to the [official documentation]. Happy coding!